The project 'Ponferrada 3.0. Administración inteligente para ciudades inteligentes' aims to implement an efficient, transparent, sustainable and completely citizen-oriented administration, through the deployment of ICT tools and quality management systems, which will improve efficiency in the provision of public services.
The project aims to promote the deployment of smart administration in Ponferrada City, with the firm purpose of implementing a "paperless" administration, transparent and accessible.
For this, the following objectives are established:
- Simplify and eliminate unnecessary administrative burdens, synthesizing and rationalizing administrative procedures and establishing measurable quality commitments through indicators.
- Promote transparency and encourage the reuse of information from Ponferrada City, to allow the development of services that contribute to promote the economic activity and the generation of value services for citizens and businesses.
- Implementation of the "paperless administration", through the automation of all procedures and administrative processes, with the aim of complying with all the precepts of Law 39/2015, of October 1, of the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations.
- Ensure specific mechanisms to promote access for groups with special difficulties, such as elderly people, disabled people, etc., and increase the usability and accessibility of all services, regardless of the characteristics of users in conditions of real equality.
- Develop a communication strategy that spreads the benefits of the project and encourage the use of digital public services by citizens and businesses, through the improvement of quality, security, accessibility, usability and adjustment to the real needs of citizens.
What is the Open Data initiative?
The Open Data initiative is the philosophy that seeks to ensure that data and information, especially that held and generated by public administrations, are available to everyone, without technical or legal restrictions.
The Open Data philosophy objective is that the data are available to be reused by citizens as well as by companies and organizations, thus achieving a benefit and enrichment for all.
Access to data from public administrations under equal conditions favors aspects such as the following:
- It guarantees the transparency of public administrations due to the access to data from official sources.
- Efficiency and equal opportunities are also encouraged, since it facilitates the generation of services that meet needs.
- Everyone has access to the data under equal conditions.
The Open Data philosophy is spreading rapidly. The ICT evolution is promoting the publication of data thanks to the reduction of costs and times in its publication and dissemination.
Requirements that open data must meet
To achieve the objective established by the Open Data philosophy, open data must meet the following requirements:
- Free access: The data must be:
- Completely accessible
- Ideally through the internet
- Free of charge
- Machine-readable format to facilitate automatic processing
- Use and distribution: The data must be offered without restrictions for free use, redistribution or mixing.
- Reuse: The terms of use must allow modifications and derivative works.
- Absence of technological restriction: The data must be published in open formats without economic impositions for their use.
- Attribution: The license is allowed to include the attribution of the origin of the data provided that it accompanies them and is easily obtainable.
- Integrity: When the original data is altered, the resulting data must be differentiated from the original data: by version.
- Absence of discrimination against any person or group: The terms of use may not exclude any person or group.
- Absence of restrictions for use: The terms of use may not exclude any type of activity in the use of the data.
- Distribution of the license: All those people to whom the data have been redistributed, will enjoy the rights granted by the original license.
- The License must not be specific to a package: If the data is offered at source as a package, any part of it will enjoy the rights granted to the original package.
- The license must not limit the distribution of works: Any package that includes open data, will not be limited by used data license.